Zum ersten Mal seit 31 Jahren sind in Japan wieder Schiffe ausgelaufen, um aus offiziell kommerziellen Gründen Jagd auf Wale zu machen. Auf der Abschussliste für dieses Jahr stehen insgesamt 227 Meeressäuger. from SPIEGEL ONLINE - Schlagzeilen https://ift.tt/2RNVmFV
Japanese whalers have restarted commercial whaling after a 31-year break. The decision prompted outrage among activists, but experts say it might actually seal the fate of Japan's whaling industry. from World | Deutsche Welle https://ift.tt/2Xgp9Z7
The small private plane crashed into a hangar during taking off, killing 10 people. Authorities are investigating the causes of the crash, which took place in a suburb of the city of Dallas. from World | Deutsche Welle https://ift.tt/2xlkISf
Bremen soll künftig rot-grün-rot regiert werden. Darauf haben sich die Unterhändler von SPD, Grünen und Linken geeinigt. Nun muss der Koalitionsvertrag noch drei Parteitage und einen Mitgliederentscheid überstehen. from SPIEGEL ONLINE - Schlagzeilen https://ift.tt/2NohVCn
Bunt, fröhlich, politisch: In New York sind Hunderttausende Menschen auf die Straßen gegangen, um den "Pride March" zu feiern. Die Fotos. from SPIEGEL ONLINE - Schlagzeilen https://ift.tt/2xoMIEg
"If you've met Lupita, you'll know that she's really goofy, funny and just such a happy person." View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Latest https://ift.tt/2xipvUq
The Working Families Party has already narrowed the field to six presidential candidates. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Latest https://ift.tt/2LrV8TH
US-Präsident Donald Trump und Nordkoreas Machthaber Kim Jong Un werden sich an diesem Sonntag an der innerkoreanischen Grenze treffen. Das bestätigte Südkoreas Präsident Moon Jae In in Seoul. from SPIEGEL ONLINE - Schlagzeilen https://ift.tt/2YssAxe
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has agreed to meet US President Donald Trump at the Demilitarized Zone that divides South and North Korea. It is the third time Kim and Trump will meet in just over a year. from World | Deutsche Welle https://ift.tt/2KOeBi1
President Nicolas Maduro and opposition leader Juan Guaido both signaled in the past days a willingness to return to the negotiating table. The two sides have already met twice in talks hosted by Norway. from World | Deutsche Welle https://ift.tt/2XhDhWx
Protest organizers said security services stormed their offices without warning and forced them to call off a press conference. Nationwide marches would still go ahead on Sunday, however, they announced. from World | Deutsche Welle https://ift.tt/2Yv7NJr
A report by the UN's migration office said children are dying during migration at alarming rates, most of them perishing on the Mediterranean. The deadliest routes for children are those that involve water crossings. from World | Deutsche Welle https://ift.tt/2xhMMpo
Arbeitgeber sollten ihren Mitarbeitern bei Hitze mehr Pausen gönnen, fordert der neue Ärztepräsident Reinhardt. Aus Politik und Forschung kommt Rückendeckung: Arbeit bei Extremtemperaturen sei gesundheitsgefährdend. from SPIEGEL ONLINE - Schlagzeilen https://ift.tt/2ZUaFj3
"Diese Äußerung war ein Fehler." Grünen-Chefin Baerbock hat sich für eine flapsige Bemerkung über den Gesundheitszustand der Kanzlerin als Folge des Klimawandels entschuldigt. from SPIEGEL ONLINE - Schlagzeilen https://ift.tt/2XxRSwA
Gibt es erstmals bei einem G20-Gipfel keine gemeinsame Abschlusserklärung? Die USA wollen die Streitthemen Klimaschutz und Migration gar nicht erst erwähnen. Die Europäer stehen zu ihrem Mindestziel - noch. from SPIEGEL ONLINE - Schlagzeilen https://ift.tt/2xmmh2d
The suffering of children caught up in the Yemen conflict has become "simply appalling," according to a UN report. It says thousands of kids have been killed, recruited as soldiers and subjected to devastating violence. from World | Deutsche Welle https://ift.tt/2LrJYye
Italian police have arrested the German captain of a migrant rescue ship after she docked at the port of Lampedusa. Sea-Watch 3 had been at sea for over two weeks amid a standoff with Italian immigration authorities. from World | Deutsche Welle https://ift.tt/2xkmyTq
Months after talks with Pyongyang broke down, President Donald Trump said he would like to visit the demilitarized zone and "shake hands" with the North Korean leader. Trump refered to the DMZ as a "real border." from World | Deutsche Welle https://ift.tt/2IXu8tO
German rescue ship Sea-Watch 3 has been in a tense standoff with Italian immigration authorities over dozens of rescued migrants. Italy says EU countries have offered to take in some of the 40 migrants still on board. from World | Deutsche Welle https://ift.tt/2X93SAn