14 Personen mussten in den Schweizer Alpen im Freien übernachten, weil sie von einer Schlechtwetterfront überrascht wurden. Vier starben, fünf sind in Lebensgefahr. from SPIEGEL ONLINE - Schlagzeilen https://ift.tt/2JE0irv
From books and crafts to coffee and wine and everything in between — gifts that do all the work for you and just look so pretty. (Bonus: If you're a last-minute Larry, you can literally buy one on Mother's Day, print it out, and let her know it's in the mail. You're welcome!) View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Latest https://ift.tt/2I1EiY2
In Nordkorea gilt eine andere Uhrzeit als im Süden. Aber nicht mehr lange: Der "schmerzliche" Unterschied wird beseitigt, auf Wunsch von ganz oben. from SPIEGEL ONLINE - Schlagzeilen https://ift.tt/2JD91u4
Frauen bekommen weniger oft einen Job in den Führungsetagen deutscher Firmen. Aber sie bewerben sich auch seltener darauf. Forscher nennen dafür drei Gründe. from SPIEGEL ONLINE - Schlagzeilen https://ift.tt/2JGNW23
Your number one choice would have been round-trip tickets to Europe, but these come pretty darn close! View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Latest https://ift.tt/2jjoa8Q
Two weeks of protests have been suspended as Nikol Pashinian holds talks with other political leaders ahead of a key vote in parliament. He only needs six more votes from other parties to become prime minister. from World | Deutsche Welle https://ift.tt/2I2MhGQ
So you can show your mom there's no limit to your love (even if there is for your spending). View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Latest https://ift.tt/2r9pKxu
The EU’s top trade official Cecilia Malmstrom was due to meet her US opposite number ahead of a deadline that could see tariffs imposed on EU metal exports. Brussels could impose levies of its own on some US products. from World | Deutsche Welle https://ift.tt/2JFLOaJ
Der Rücktritt von Innenministerin Amber Rudd soll die strauchelnde britische Premierministerin Theresa May retten. Reicht das? from SPIEGEL ONLINE - Schlagzeilen https://ift.tt/2Kl3Vnn
In Fretterode sollen zwei 26-Jährige angegriffen worden sein, nachdem einer von ihnen das Grundstück des NPD-Landesvorsitzenden gefilmt hatten. Tatverdächtig sind zwei Männer, die der rechten Szene zugerechnet werden. from SPIEGEL ONLINE - Schlagzeilen https://ift.tt/2HBj5Hz
Bei Luftangriffen in Syrien kamen angeblich mehrere Iraner ums Leben. Ausgeführt wurde der Militärschlag mutmaßlich von Israel. Eskaliert der Konflikt zwischen den Erzfeinden? from SPIEGEL ONLINE - Schlagzeilen https://ift.tt/2r9qe6R
The meeting comes shorty after Trump's unflattering comments concerning the African nation. It's likely the US will attempt to rebuild trust, while Nigeria has the chance to promote itself on the world stage. from World | Deutsche Welle https://ift.tt/2vYI6Xx
“I only found about it after I got home and looked online to see what everything was." View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Latest https://ift.tt/2rai0vU
Italien hat noch immer keine Regierung - zwei Monate nach der Wahl. Luigi di Maio von der siegreichen Fünf-Sterne-Partei sagt: "Wir müssen zurück an die Urnen." from SPIEGEL ONLINE - Schlagzeilen https://ift.tt/2jgk6pG
Traumimmobilie mit Pool und Sauna: Monatelang wohnte Ex-Minister Krause in einem Haus an der Mecklenburgischen Seenplatte, ohne einen Cent zu zahlen. Jetzt kam er der Zwangsräumung zuvor. from SPIEGEL ONLINE - Schlagzeilen https://ift.tt/2vY4n7Z
Frankreich plant seine eigene Energiewende: Erneuerbare Quellen sollen ausgebaut, Atomkraftwerke aber kaum abgeschaltet werden. Kritiker fürchten, dass Deutschland mit billigem Atomstrom überschwemmt wird. from SPIEGEL ONLINE - Schlagzeilen https://ift.tt/2I4jWQr
The French first lady says Melania "can't do anything," Marvel destroys at the box office. Your BuzzFeed News newsletter, April 30. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Latest https://ift.tt/2raO3vP
In an interview with DW, London-based scholar Dr. Farid Panjwani talks about the reasons behind the growing radicalization of South Asian Muslim youths in the UK, and what needs to be done to counter extremist threat. from World | Deutsche Welle https://ift.tt/2raQdeM
Das Ziel waren offenbar Nato-Soldaten, doch der Anschlag im südafghanischen Kandahar forderte vor allem zivile Opfer, darunter viele Kinder. from SPIEGEL ONLINE - Schlagzeilen https://ift.tt/2r5Bt0X
Ist nach 17 Jahren Zusammenarbeit Schluss? Jürgen Klopp muss beim FC Liverpool vorerst ohne seinen Assistenten Zeljko Buvac auskommen. Britische Medien berichten sogar von einer dauerhaften Trennung. from SPIEGEL ONLINE - Schlagzeilen https://ift.tt/2raB78j
Noch ist Apple das wertvollste Unternehmen der Welt - doch Amazon rückt immer näher. Wie soll der Tech-Konzern seine Eigentümer gnädig stimmen? Analysten rechnen mit einem 100-Milliarden-Dollar-Coup. from SPIEGEL ONLINE - Schlagzeilen https://ift.tt/2HDghK3
Großbritannien bekommt einen neuen Innenminister: Sajid Javid tritt die Nachfolge von Amber Rudd an, die nach einem Skandal um karibische Einwanderer zurückgetreten war. from SPIEGEL ONLINE - Schlagzeilen https://ift.tt/2I592tT
Weil Eltern die Rettungsgasse vor einer Kita zuparkten, kam der Krankenwagen nicht durch. Das empörte den Bürgermeister einer Gemeinde in Sachsen derart, dass er sich auf Facebook Luft machte - bewusst unsachlich. from SPIEGEL ONLINE - Schlagzeilen https://ift.tt/2w0tDug
Die Slowakei ist das Billiglohnland der Eurozone, jetzt sollen Arbeiter etwas höhere Schichtzulagen bekommen. Geht gar nicht, wettern deutsche Unternehmen. Cooler bleibt die Konkurrenz aus Österreich. from SPIEGEL ONLINE - Schlagzeilen https://ift.tt/2jloXGt
UK Prime Minister Theresa May has named former Communities Secretary Sajid Javid as interior minister. The appointment comes after the previous home secretary stepped down amid an immigration scandal. from World | Deutsche Welle https://ift.tt/2Ko9bGM
After the historic summit of the two Korean heads of state, South Korea’s nationalists are mobilizing to oppose closer ties. But, the majority of the population remains optimistic. Alexander Freund reports from Seoul. from World | Deutsche Welle https://ift.tt/2HDqeDa
Sydney woman Moutia Elzahed sued the police and lost. Now she's appealing the decision on the basis she was barred from testifying due to her religious garb. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Latest https://ift.tt/2r9am4V
Another 45 people were wounded during twin bomb attacks in the Afghan capital on Monday morning, police have said. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Latest https://ift.tt/2HDgdtC
Sie hieß "Nummer 16" und war die wohl älteste Spinne der Welt: Nun ist die Falltürspinne im Alter von 43 Jahren gestorben. Ein Insekt wurde ihr zum Verhängnis. from SPIEGEL ONLINE - Schlagzeilen https://ift.tt/2raYG0M
Gekaufte Aufsätze, erschummelte Noten: Laut "Guardian" verzeichnen Oxford, Cambridge und andere Top-Universitäten einen starken Anstieg akademischen Fehlverhaltens - und liefern die Erklärung gleich mit. from SPIEGEL ONLINE - Schlagzeilen https://ift.tt/2vXdGFf
Am 1. Mai endet die Schonfrist: Dann könnten die neuen US-Zölle auf Stahl und Aluminium aus der EU in Kraft treten. CDU-Wirtschaftsminister Altmaier ruft die Europäer zu Kompromissen auf, um einen Handelskrieg abzuwenden. from SPIEGEL ONLINE - Schlagzeilen https://ift.tt/2I09mtx
US officials have told would-be asylum seekers at the Mexican border that the crossing is too full to process their cases. The migrants have already drawn the wrath of US President Trump during their trek through Mexico. from World | Deutsche Welle https://ift.tt/2I0CW2c
Two explosions in Afghanistan's capital have killed more than 20 people, officials say. The so-called "Islamic State" claimed responsibility for the attacks, which took place near an Afghan spy agency facility. from World | Deutsche Welle https://ift.tt/2jf2z1f
Seoul has announced its propaganda-blasting loudspeakers will be turned off, while the North intends to align its time zone with the South. The two peace offerings come as a result of last Friday's historic summit. from World | Deutsche Welle https://ift.tt/2JzMDSc
Frustration, fear and powerlessness on the one hand, hope and a new perspective on the other. How do people in Syria deal with the conflict, how has it changed everyday life? Adonis Alkhaled reports. from World | Deutsche Welle https://ift.tt/2HHmccO
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has led a tribute to the victims of last week's van rampage in Toronto at an event which included speakers from multiple faiths. Eight women and two men were killed in the attack. from World | Deutsche Welle https://ift.tt/2Kpx68Y
State media and a war monitor have reported the strikes but have not said who was responsible or whether there were casualties. The report comes weeks after the US, UK and France launched strikes against military bases. from World | Deutsche Welle https://ift.tt/2jg7dfx
Amber Rudd's resignation comes amid outrage over mistreatment of long-term legal residents from the Caribbean who have wrongly been labelled illegal immigrants. Just hours earlier, Rudd had vowed to stay in her job. from World | Deutsche Welle https://ift.tt/2r6u3KY
The Israeli army has confirmed the deaths of three Palestinians in two separate incidents along the Gaza border. The UN has criticized Israeli troops for repeatedly firing on Palestinians since late March. from World | Deutsche Welle https://ift.tt/2KoB1mf
The two telecommunications giants will create a formidable competitor to Verizon and AT&T. The all-stock deal will hand control of the business to Deutsche Telekom. from World | Deutsche Welle https://ift.tt/2vSLVNW
Luis Garcia Meza's regime was characterized by mass human rights violations, including genocide and extrajudicial killings. He rose to power in the early 1980s in what was largely described as the "Cocaine Coup." from World | Deutsche Welle https://ift.tt/2vWC3Db
Cartel murders in Mexico have made global headlines again. This time the outrage has been sparked by the brutal killing of three film students. People are protesting across the country, but little is likely to change. from World | Deutsche Welle https://ift.tt/2HCrS7T
The leaders of Britain, France and Germany have pledged their support for the current nuclear deal with Iran. The issue is due to come to a head, again, in May when President Trump decides whether to maintain the treaty. from World | Deutsche Welle https://ift.tt/2FrRJxw
More than 36,000 soldiers and police officers have registered to vote in the first local elections since the Arab Spring. But some police unions have pushed back, saying security forces should remain "neutral." from World | Deutsche Welle https://ift.tt/2HCUSAN
The issue of "comfort women" has long been a contentious one for Japan. The country occupied the Philippines during World War II but today it is a big supplier of aid and financial support. from World | Deutsche Welle https://ift.tt/2HCMlxC
Mit einer genialen Pappkarton-Idee machten die Rausings ein sagenhaftes Vermögen. Nun hat Sigrid Rausing ein Buch über ihre Familie geschrieben - und die katastrophale Drogensucht ihres Bruders. from SPIEGEL ONLINE - Schlagzeilen https://ift.tt/2r9hXRe
Donald Trump's 2020 Campaign Manager Lashes Out At Possible Primary Challenger John Kasich View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Latest https://ift.tt/2HXFHkL
A group of 50 people are waiting to enter the port of San Ysidro, at the US-Mexico border near California. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Latest https://ift.tt/2ra3F2w
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein ordered a review of the US Attorneys’ Manual, which features high-level policy statements as well as practical guidance to prosecutors on how to do their jobs. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Latest https://ift.tt/2HAg22d